If you prefer Montana Gold or Black, you can get them in Bruges too now: Kingz&Queenz shop (eiermarkt,brugge).

There's a new steel update on BelgianGraffiti. Would Jannie Haek have the same ideas like the major of Las Vegas seeing this?
Don't forget to check the calendar...

Update 27! 58 new flix.

If you're into hiphop checkout Locoflows this weekend (10 and 11 september) it is free and there's a graffiti-jam on saturday!
Check out the calendar for more info.

Zes jonge mannen die in de jaren '96 tot '98 op heel wat plaatsen in Brugge graffiti hebben gespoten zijn vrijgesproken. De Brugse rechtbank oordeelde dat ze de zes jongemannen niet meer kan veroordelen omdat graffitispuiten vandaag enkel door de politierechtbank gestraft kan worden.

Zie ook dit artikel.

You can expect an update in september.

FreeeTV is coming out this summer, check out the trailer.

Update @ Ghentizm.
Belgian Graffiti has moved to belgiangraffiti.org and they've got a new design too.

The guestbook is back online.

update @ eyegasm

Check the calendar!

It took a while, but Next Level magazine issue 4 is in the shops! For those who haven't bought it yet, it's also available in bruges now @ 'Seven' (Zilverpand 11).

Update 26! 51 new flix.
+ a new sketch by Irma.
+ a new years present by P1: 99 'ultra' problems rmx.mp3
The guestbook and our mailbox are still open for your comments...

The answer to the question is: next week, update 26 will be online next weekend.

"The Graffiti Artist" @ Filmfestival gent (info)

Stock liquidation @ Phat Size Shop
MONTANA € 2.50
BELTON € 3.00


For more info: 0474/276.161
The shop will re-open somewhere else in Brussels.

Check the calendar for info about the "Okapi-parking Graffiti Jam".

New article in words-section.

PvdA en CDA willen graffiti (in Nederland) harder aanpakken. Een meerderheid van PvdA en CDA in de Tweede Kamer zint op een strengere aanpak van grafitti. De twee fracties denken aan statiegeld op spuitbussen met grafittiverf en een identificatieplicht voor kopers van zulke spuitbussen... more

There's a new book about graffiti coming out in october: "Graffiti World - Street art from five continents". For info about the dutch version check nilsson-lamm.nl
And for all of you that like the gossip and chitchat: the new nextlevel-forum is online!

Another movie to keep you busy while you're waiting for update 26 (s/m/l).

The NYPD is closing down its anti-graffiti unit (watch hi/low)

For those who surf the boards: the NextLevel forum will be back in a few weeks!
The magazine itself is ready for printing, but practical problems are causing a delay, so sit tight and be patient.

new update @ belgian graffiti
Torhout has a legal wall too now: next to the swimming-pool (Bruggestraat-Vestingstraat).

Check the calendar for info about "MeetingOfStyles"

Check the calendar for info about "4 Skillz Day" and check their site for some pieces on the walls of JH De Redekiel.
New article in words-section.

Check the calendar for info about "MTN Graffiti Jam".
nextlevelzine.com has a train-update and "...About the magazine: it's almost there..."

Check the calendar for info about "The Making Of... graffiti jam".

Update 25! 42 new flix
+ a new sketch by Yeah!
More people are sending us flix and sketches...thanx!

We have a new section: zone8000-sketches, we will add sketches on a regular basis, so if you haven't send in yours yet what are you waiting for?
...Update 25 will be online tomorrow!

1 new article

2 new articles

On June the 26th the paintings of the Young Primitives project will be auctioned. Check update 19 to see some of the paintings and the calendar section for more info.

1 new article

4 new articles

Update 24: 67 new flix, a mix of legal and illegal action, some start to fade, some are brand new. (thanks to all those who send their flix)

As we are still waiting for some flix, we will postpone the update to next week.

New article + check the calendar!
Some belgian sites with updates to keep you busy until our update next week: frites.tk, ghentizm.be, belgian graffiti and graffiti space.

check the calendar!

check the calendar!

new article

Update 23: 69 new flix, some flix are from the seaside and a few were shot in the "swimming-pool" hall of fame. Last week the government started the demolition of this former outdoor swimmingpool in Knokke to add this area to the 'Zwinbosjes' nature reserve.
But there was more graffiti-news in the media last week, due to the fact that two writers were caught in Vorst. 'TerZake' even came to bruges to ask the point of view of the 'preventiedienst'. For those who want to see more graffiti on their tv-screen, 'Telefacts' covers the subject on monday.
Some people are still wondering if they can send flix...Yes, you can!

A happy new year to all of you, may all your wishes come true!
As you can see version 3 is finally online: a new look, but more important: a new server so no more annoying pop-ups!
Update 22 isn't ready yet, but we added 22 flix to update 19 (the 'young primitives' exhibition special). Thanks go out to the people who helped us out with our server problems and everybody who's supporting ZONE8000.

update 22: 31 new flix
As you might have noticed, Tripod has decided that next to the pop-ups, every page should have a banner. Consequently this will be the last update for this version and hopefully we find a solution, so that we'll be able to bring you more graffiti in and from bruges. If you have suggestions, flix, comments or you want to be added to our mailinglist, just mail us at zone8000@hotmail.com.

link of the week: delta+rima exhibition
don't forget to check the calendar!

4 links of the week:
'akku' 80's arcade style game by jesser and grin... happy hunting!
cap-inc.tk (stickers & stencils from ghent)
flix of the charleroi-jam in june
nova reportage 'stickeren: een nieuwe vorm van straatkunst'
don't forget to send your flix and loveletters to us or drop a line in our guestbook!

update 21: 35 new flix!
link of the week: razhia.ch (zürich styles)
the summer has arrived so we expect alot of flix in our mailbox!

link of the week: capitalsthlm.com (sweden online...make sure to check the video-section)

new article in the interviews-section

the old updates (1-17) are back online for your viewing pleasure and we have a easier domainname now: www.zone8000.tk

happy birthday to us! ZONE8000 is 3 years online...we hope that we can keep bringing you lots of flix, the best links, interesting articles and the latest news!

update 20: 18 new flix!
link of the week: brugesthing.com

for those that still don't have 'next level magazine issue3' it's available in bruges: check the new 'kings and queens'-store (kuipersstraat) or 'skateshop 911' (eiermarkt) and while you're busy spending money: go check if there are still 'midnite run' videos available! we've got our copy and we can tell you it is a-live and kicking!

don't forget to drop a line on the guestbook or to send us a mail with flix,news,your personal problems or if you want to be notified when there's a new update.

update 19: 10 new flix, some of the work made for the "young primitives"-project
you'll have to wait untill the end of august to see them live in the innercity of bruges...the paintings will be sold afterwards.

new article in the interviews-section (sub, themac, seak, tasso, dogma, virus, sälb, alex, lazoo, elninodelaspinturas, daim, zenith and bruges' pino one @ work in bruges!) click on the names to see some of their work

new article in the interviews-section
link of the week: huh? (polish train sited...if you have some time to spend!...make sure you check the belgian panels)

update 18: 34 new flix, a mix of old and new
you might have noticed that the other updates are gone...well, we're working on that, but we have some storage problems.
don't forget to hit the guestbook and for those who send us flix: thanx, keep 'em coming!

still waiting for some flix for update 18, in the meanwhile you could have bought next level issue 3 to satisfy your need for flix and for those who want to see some moving steel: midnite run is out! it was announced a few years ago, but now the "midnite run" video is finally out. check the trailer and go to nextlevelzine.com to order your copy or wait 'till it's available at your local dealer.
link of the week: jastacolorz.com (jamie and stan have a website...at last, nice!)

good news for the writers: there is montana available in bruges! skateshop911 sells the 400ml cans (4€/3,5€ if you buy 10 or more).
aktivist magazine issue 2 is out and also available @ the911
due to technical problems update 18 will take some time...

we wensen de familie en vrienden van flip veel sterkte toe

a happy new year to everybody...
link of the week: damage lines (s-bahn, fern-bahn, u-bahn)
don't forget to check the calendar!

update 17: 18 new flix and 2 new articles in the interviews-section
link of the week: zonderhanden (duck @ work in 'man bijt hond')

because we get a lot of questions about where bruges' legal wall and freights are, we added a map to the info-section.

update 16: 14 new flix (ps: don't forget to check the calendar)

link of the week: charleroi jam (finished pieces)

:: 13-10-02::
update 15: 18 new flix

:: 06-10-02::
the bruges' graffiti prevention project seems very popular as an example for other cities, not only in belgium (the city of ghent is starting with a similar campaign (check ghentizm.be for an article about this topic)), but other european countries are also following the example of bruges. sweden is one of them, the question is, however, if the situation in a rather small town as bruges, is compairable with that of a city as stockholm...
a new update is comming soon and we're also working on another restyling of zone8000
link of the week: stick up kids

:: 29-09-02::
link of the week: charleroi jam (enough space, enough paint)

:: 02-09-02::
link of the week: chromopolis (big projects in greece)

:: 24-08-02::
new article about the first kaapstad workshop in the interviews-section. there is another workshop and jam (this time not on crap trains, but on a wall) this week: check the news of 14-08 for more info.
link of the week: flix of the 'meeting of styles' jam in antwerp.

:: 14-08-02::
vandaag start om 14u de 3daagse (14,15 en 16 augustus) graffiti-workshop aan de entrepot, op de site van kaapstad. elke dag (van 14u tot 18u) komt er een andere ervaren graffiteur, telkens uit een andere stad, z'n kennis delen, deze nemen dan op zaterdag de treinstellen op het terrein onder handen. 1 dag meedoen kost €8, wil je de volledige 3 dagen volgen dan betaal je €22. dit alles wordt herhaald op 28,29 en 30 augustus, op 31 augustus volgt er dan een jam op de muur van het entrepotgebouw. more info: check the calendar section.

:: 12-08-02::
you could already read the article about the mural under the 'katelijnebrug' in brugge made by f. slabbinck and jasta; here is a link to see the work in progress (you'll have to wait for flix of the mural on zone8000 till the big update in september)

:: 10-08-02::
3 new articles in the interviews section

:: 01-08-02::
summerbreak! (the next big update will be after the summerbreak) but we won't stop providing the best links and news... link of the week:
(the online edition of wyws)
if you hate those stupid pop-ups, try surfing with another browser: mozilla.org

:: 26-07-02::
no not another update, we need a break too ;)...but we've got some news: there are 2 graffiti-workshops in august (1st: 14th,15th and 16th 2nd: 28th,29th and 30st). the workshops are followed by a jam on the 17th and the 31st. they're part of the 'kaapstad' youthproject of 'brugge2002'. for more info check out kaapstad.be
link of the week: stuffed babies on wheels (go check out the artwork of jesse roosen and if you didn't already bought the r-bots in motion comic, go do it today!)

:: 08-07-02::
another week..another link of the week: www.fafi.net (another girl with a fresh style, but doing whole cars with her technique is rather difficult :P ) ...there will be an update soon (we had some technical problems) and there's going to be one in august too, well... if we believe wasteland.be that is

:: 29-06-02::
hip-hop is alive and kicking this evening in belgium with several quality gigs and contests...one of them is 'quality flavours' part1 @ comma (see calendar section), some extra info: there will be 2 graffiti movies shown there: wild style and rush hour...check out the article about quality flavours vzw in the interviews section
link of the week: www.cnskillz.com (most of you will know this site, but there have been some updates)

:: 06-06-02::
it took some time, but here's update 14: 13 new flix (be sure to check out the jasta-production live, it's part of the (e)migranten project: an event of brugge2002. you can find it at the "opvangcentrum voor asielzoekers" of the red cross in the vlamingstraat, 8000brugge)...
if you have any remarks, suggestions,flix,... or you want to be informed about future updates: just send us a mail or sign the guestbook...
link of the week: www.cosh.net (this could be the link of the year!! great design, great blackbook, great flix, great videoclips,... one word: great!)

:: 28-05-02::
there's a new belgian magazine coming out on june 15th: 'aktivist': chromes, colours, throws, steel,... from mons, charleroi, liège, bxl, leuven, gent, antwerpen, brugge, paris,...
link of the week: oldskool_online (for all you oldschool lovers)

:: 23-05-02::
link of the week: www.missvan.com (not everybody uses spraycans...)

:: 11-05-02::
well, we can't update every week, can we? but we've added an interview (sorry, in dutch only) and some links and offcourse our link of the week: www.lokiss.com (lokiss' new site: some peeps love it, some hate it, but it's definitely worth a look)...about the pop-up-ads: if you minimize them instead of closing them, they won't be bother you anymore.

:: 04-05-02::
link of the week: www.mac-graffiti.net (mac crew site in 6 languages, even in dutch!)
nope, not another update, but we've added some events in the calendar section. flix, comments, events, jams,...one address: zone8000@hotmail.com

:: 27-04-02::
another update: number 13: 10 new flix..rumours go that there are 2 jams planned in august (one on the 17th and one on the 31st)..keep sending those flix and comments and don't forget to check our links section for the finest sites..link of the week: www.stickit.nl

:: 20-04-02::
it took a little bit longer then expected, but here it is: update 12: 14new flix and finally there's some trainaction in it as well... 2 months ago we said there wasn't an graffiti-event planned for brugge2002, well that info seems to be wrong.. surf to www.kaapstad.be for more info... some peeps asked us if we could keep them informed about updates, well just send your email address to us 'nd we'll let you know... thanx to the peeps who send us flix and to the guy who provided the latest splash.

:: 09-04-02::
some new links (the next update will arrive soon and it will be very nice, but we're still waiting for a few more flix, you know where to send them).

:: 02-03-02::
update 11: 10 new flix (some old, some brand new) + 4 new music/party events: check the calendar....for flix 'nd comments: zone8000@hotmail.com or drop a line in the guestbook.

bruges is cultural capital of europe
(when we look to the program, writers will have to provide the graffiti culture themselves...)

update 10: some legal action...seems like the illegal shit doesn't reach us :/...more 'nd more people are asking for some trainaction (no, we don't mean craptrains), so you know where to send your flix. don't forget to check the calendar regularly (2 new events)...oh 'nd some peeps asked if we couldn't open a section with sketches, what do you guys ('nd girls) think about that?

update 9 is here: 11 new 'nd old flix...next level issue2 is available in bruges, in spite of what we said last week (sorry for the wrong information): check out the international magazine store (noordzandstraat)...we noticed that the webmaster of brugge.be has removed the link to zone8000 from the site; ignoring a culture won't kill it...don't forget to drop a line in the guestbook or in a mail. all remarks are welcome ;) ...if you want to be informed about future updates, just mail your email address to zone8000@hotmail.com

next level issue 2 is out!! unfortunately it isn't available in bruges (yet), so you'll have to go to ghent, ostend,... to get your copy.
we've added some links to the links-section.

some people asked us if we could update more often...update 8: 3 new flix. if you want to be informed about future updates, just mail your email address to zone8000@hotmail.com

update 7 is finally here: 30 new flix! even some dutch 'nd german action 'nd some big names...if you have any comments don't hesitate to mail us or write something in the guestbook.

the city of ghent is inspired by bruges' anti-graffiti project and is investing 12 milj bef into a specialised anti-graffiti team. their goal is to remove all graffiti within 2 years and clean up every new made mark afterwards...

check the calendar...more then 6000 peeps have checked this site out...don't forget to sign the guestbook...and off course: a happy newyear!

The city of Bruges received the European Crime Prevention Award in Utrecht(Nl) for it's graffiti policy (free wall cleaning, work shops, legal walls, a special police team that is concentrated on catching writers,...) and got a check for 10 000 €. Well, don't believe the hype: there is still graffiti in Bruges and not only at the entrepot (=h.o.f.).

Ok, ok, that few days have become a few months, but you can expect a new update in one or two weeks. For now, we've added a guestbook, so your comments are welcome.

If you haven't checked ghentizm.be yet, you should do it right away: lots of flix from Ghent and there is an update once a week (yeah, we know...).

update 6 has arrived! 51 flix, most of them are throws, but there are some pieces too, even amsterdam got busy in bruges...don't wait to long to check out zone8000 again, 'cause there's an update with legals only, comming your way in a few days and keep sending your flix and comments to us!

after 8 months of waiting here it finally is: the new design of zone8000! it ain't completed yet, but we couldn't wait to put some new parts online. we hope you like it. we promised an update with more then 130 flix, but..uhm..we lost most of them. all i can say is: take backups :) we'll put an update with old 'nd new flix, online in a couple of days. if you have any comments or questions, don't hesitate to mail us. and keep sending those flix folks!